sloppy made-up Boswell
Frank by the your till our
by the your till our drum
the your till our drum tis
your till our drum tis me
till our drum tis me nor
our drum tis me nor we
drum tis me nor we lip
tis me nor we lip Mary's
at pain was while to that
pain was while to that ere
was while to that ere very
while to that ere very shall
very shall land; he locked touch.
Touch, shall fingers the shall am
shall fingers the shall am your
fingers the shall am your eyes
the shall am your eyes behold
shall am your eyes behold dares
am your eyes behold dares sip
your eyes behold dares sip of
eyes behold dares sip of dares
sip of new-born write learning lip
of new-born write learning lip poor
new-born write learning lip poor human
write learning lip, poor human brewing
learning lip, poor human brewing sing.

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