Analysis of a poem
Number of characters: 255.
Number of words: 48.
Number of unique words: 42.
Number of four-letter words: 4.
Number of letters in the shortest word: 1.
Number of letters in the longest word: 11.
Number of words with letters lacking ascenders or descenders: 12.
Number of words with double-n ("nn"): 1.
Number of words with double-e ("ee"): 0.
Number of lines: 11.
Number of words in shortest line: 3.
Number of words in longest line: 5.
Number of syllables: 118.
Average number of syllables per line: 10.72.
Number of capitalized words: 8.
Number of words with an initial f: 5.
Number of words with an initial b: 1.
Number of words with an initial g: 2.
Number of words with an initial h: 3.
Number of words with an initial i: 1.
Number of words with an initial j: 1.
Number of words with an initial k: 2.
Number of words with an initial l: 1.
Number of words with an initial m: 3.
Number of words with an initial n: 1.
Number of words with an initial s: 5.
Number of verbs: 10 (1 imperative, two passive forms).
Number of nouns: 1.
Number of pronouns: 8.
Number of prepositions: 2.
Number of conjunctions: 3.
Number of adverbs: 7.
Number of words depicting a visual phenomenon: 0
Number of words depicting an auditory phenomenon: 0
Number of words depicting a phenomenon related to temperature: 2
Number of words depicting a phenomenon related to smell: (1)
The fourth word is just a capitalized initial, followed by an
exclamation point (the verb in this line is in its imperative form).
The second line is an exlamation, but without exclamation point (the
verb in this line is not in its imperative form).
Line four through six form another exclamation, with exclamation
point (the verb in this line is not in its imperative form).
All phrases are in the nominative, except the last phrase which is in
the dative.
The last two lines are questions, ended with question marks.

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