alapea plauro
that they free from
that they wise that
they love didt hatt
heyt hisc anth eyal
sokn owth isth issa
ysal soso mesu chap
prov thatap theyau freeap from
prov thatmo theyth wisean that
ythi theyre lovemb didtty hatt
pepa heytli hiscyo anthsu eyal
pont soknmt owthtt isthym issa
ustk ysalpe sosoct mesusw chap
itha provla alapea plauro seap
vala provla almoet rethyc anan
onti ythiet ngreme sembow lety
erel pepato gelite keyotu ursu
rndu pontde hemtti hattup heym
onth ustkth eepeth lectmu orsw
stsi ithaup pplath useath ppro
atth valamu pplali usetyo heyc
uapp ontius nuetis ermeur mpow
nbox erelom ectoal rste rmtu
rndu tyde puti esup
onth emth atth eymu
stsi nkup onth emth
atth eymu stli keyo
uapp laus eris etur
nbox from Stal in

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