The Personal Text Miner (1)

How did this happen? See sidebar! 

(Caption is below the image.)

Image 1: This is not necessarily an interface shown on a cathode-ray tube screen or LCD. In a few years we might have computers that look like sheets of paper, foldable, weighing a few grams only - and above all, cheap as greeting cards with musical chips, thus disposable. But what about the content? Don't worry, the sheet-shaped computer would of course be connected to the Internet (or Internet II or Internet III), so all the information you need, your own or what has been made by other people, will be safely stored in that marvellous place without physical location.

Here you open, for instance, this text by Marshall McLuhan, shown in the scrollable window. The lever to the upper left allows you to summarize the text to a percentage you choose.

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